High End Workstation Performance Benchmarks


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  • Anonymous User - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    I thought that the Athlon64 did not have the integrated memory controller. That's the big difference between the Opteron and the Atlon64, in single processor quantities.
  • Wesley Fink - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    The latest runors at the Inquirer and Xbit Labs have the Athlon64 FX launching at 2.2GHz, which seems to be the rumor consensus :-) I have an Asus SK8N board I am testing now with an Opteron, and it supports both ECC and non-ECC memory - but it appears it MUST be fed Registered memory. This means regular unbuffered memory will not likely work on the Opteron based CPU's.
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Interesting. And isnt the Athlon64 FX supposed to be running at 2.3 ghz? Add in support for Non ECC memory (which is slower) and color me interested.

    And here I was all set on buying a new 3.0ghz P4 system in a couple of weeks... <sigh>
  • WheelsCSM - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Looks pretty good, how much are these things supposed to cost?
  • sandorski - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Sounds good! Hopefully the Athlon 64 *will* perform in a similar manner.
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Oh, nevermind. Disregard #3. I understand what you're saying now.
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    "Our reference board includes full support for Dual-Channel DDR ECC memory, and the Athlon64 version will also support non-ECC memory"

    When it says "Athlon64" here is it referring to Athlon64 FX (Socket 940)? I thought that Athlon64 FX is basically an Opteron. And Opteron requires registered DIMMs with ECC.
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    Awesome preview Wes, i can't wait to get one of these bad boys to play with after the 23rd, hopefully in the prommie!!

    keep up the good work.


  • AgaBooga - Thursday, September 4, 2003 - link

    I wonder when Intel will respond to these articles on Athlon 64 with some Prescott previews

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